Wednesday, July 21, 2010

right now i am really confused about what are next steps in life are.....

we will be moving back to spokane for, i don't know how long... until we figure things out or start one of our plans there :)

i know i want to go to byu hawaii and i will have some work ahead of me to even start school which we are thinking of starting in spokane & then going from there

or does joshie go to grad school?

or does joshie take a short course to get a higher paying job & then i go to school?

& where do we do all of this?




and i don't think we will have it figured out any time soon

in a good way :) we will figure it out when the time is right ;)

until then we have packing, moving! two weddings to attend! & help out with & lots of reading, praying & researching what it takes for the things we want & discovering our best options :)
it will be fun! :)

joshie jokes but in a truthful way that in a couple of weeks we will be homeless & unemployed :) but we have a place to stay ;) thank you momma & daddio! :) you guys are AWESOME!! :)

oh! and i have recently had some ideas for me to work at home that almost seem to have dropped from heaven & planted itself into my mind! :) but i will have to learn how to sow better ;) i'll explain later ;) right now i should probably get back to moving stuff :) man! i will have a lot to get caught up on in august! ;)

until then LOVE & PEACE TO ALL!!!!!!!! :)


xoelle said...

next steps!

I know how frustrating this is- garth and I both have so many ideas about what we want our lives to be like and sometimes they are different- and him wanting to stay in the Navy really dictates much of what we do (and it's often opposite of what I want)- I think it'll keep changing- for all of us.

being creative means that you have a gazillion ideas in your head- and I'm pretty sure that you guys can't go wrong. =)

Amanda Impett said...

I know you and Josh and how spiritual you both are he will lead you to what is right although it may have been the opposite of what you had in mind. Damian and I are learning that too and sometimes there is more than one right answer and right path. You guys will be okay and will figure it out. Meanwhile, I hope I'm not being selfish when I say it will be awesome to see two amazing friends again.